Chamunda Swami

This is a serious matter for many Hindus - astrology and prayer. The following is written to warn kind hearted Hindus about many of the scams that are out there - please be careful - save your money.

There is a 'Swami' (which is more or less like a priest in the Hindu faith - well, he is not really a priest - if he were he would not scam people out of so much money. He will tell you that he will solve all your problems - but he cannot - he will just take as much money as he can from you then never return phone calls once the check is cashed - and then treat you badly and make it seem like you did something wrong - but what can you do - he has cashed the check, right? Good luck getting your money back.

He has these 'assistants' who are not only clueless but not very nice - and they lie - they lie a great deal. I was scammed - many have been - when you are really down and sad you will try anything in desperation - and they bank on this - in more ways than one.

Here is what Hindus need to know - save your thousands of dollars - believe me if they had ability, they would not charge so much - in fact - it is bad karma for them to do what they do - they cannot get you married - get you a job - or get you a visa. They cannot take care of illness - and do not worry about them doing anything bad to you - think about it - if they can't do anything good - how can they possibly do anything bad?

DO NOT GO TO THIS "MAN" - he is a liar. He acts arrogant - for Indians raised in India they are fooled to think that means knowledge - it is not - it is insecurity. I do believe in God a great deal - this is why I feel the need to write this - these people have no connection with God - if they did they would not treat people the way they do. I have MANY examples to share with you and once a week (due to my pressed time) I will share specifics that others have shared with me with regard to their experiences with this 'man'. This happens across the globe - people are cheated - and it pains me to see it. If any of you have incidents to share please do so - I would happy to post them - the public needs to be warned.

In fact, there are parents of a very sick little girl (which is very sad) who were scammed thousands and thousands of dollars - thousands - and please know, that these are very kind parents with a very cute little girl - but they have had no help - and I find this so sad - it makes me angry to think about it. Their daughter is still ill - but now they have saved their money and use it towards medical bills - my prayers are with them - I have faith that God will grant them both strength and kindness. PLEASE save your money - just go the temple - and pray - everything will be okay. If you are not Hindu - still save your money these scam artists come in various cultures - go to church and pray - everything will get better and do for yourselves.

This "Chamunda Swami" is located in Flushing, Queen's in New York City - spread the word - save your money - do not go and see him - he is a scam artist.

More examples soon to come as provided by those whom have been taken for a ride - there are over 86 to date that I have - this is just an introduction.


Unknown said...

Why are you being such a coward hiding behind a website? Have you ever personally contact Chamunda Swami Ji? I'm 27 yrs old, and way ahead in life, and its all because of the help and blessing of Chamunda Swami Ji. I've finished my MBA from UCLA, and working for a very good company, at a high position. I own 2 homes, getting married in September, and have all the one can ask for. My education, success, as well as everything I have achieved today, even the understanding of God is because of the path Swami Ji has helped me reach. If you need any references, I could provide more than you can handle. So think it over, and let me know...

infinity said...

It sounds like the person who is speaking against Chamunda Swamiji is very bitter!
Unfortunely, when people see someone who is as successful, they will do anything to taint that person, due to the human weakness of jealousy.
Chamunda Swamiji is a very honest man. If he is unable to help you, he will tell you.
He has guided me through many challenging situations in my life. I am now a doctor, and through his guidance I have gone onto specialize.
When one has a difficult time in their life, and if you are so lucky, that God guides help your way, in this case Chamunda Swamiji, then you are extremely fortunate.
When you are sick you go to a doctor, you recieve advice and a prescription, are the doctors services free? NO! You pay for the doctors services. If you are having legal difficulties, you go to a lawyer, are his services free? No! you are expected to pay.
God has placed very few people with the specialized services that Chamunda Swamiji has to offer, to help lay people like you and I, through the turbulent times in our lives.

Knowledge in Truth said...

Yes - I would like these references you speak of. Your education and success is wonderful - I remain happy for you. I am not hiding behind a website anymore than you are. I am glad things worked for you - my opinon comes from those very close who have been hurt we are all entitled to an opinion if you do not agree than that is fine - it is only fair that those who have a different opinion share it.

Knowledge in Truth said...

Before judging my opinion, then try to google some of the more known swami's and see how others feel - it is not just me. I am a man of science and logic - forgive me - that will not change. We are all allowed to feel the way we do.